Properly Removing Out-of-Date Electronics
Before you know it, those old electronics are taking up valuable office space! But you don’t want to simply throw them in the trash. Why? There are lots of great reasons. Read on for important tips and information on how to properly remove out of date electronics.
Why Is E-Waste a Problem?
One of the fastest growing problems in waste management is the e-waste situation. Some estimates think that e-waste will soon make up 50 metric tons of trash on the planet. If you think this is a big number, this is actually small compared to the overall amount of junk we generate as a planet! The problem is that this particular kind of junk comes with special issues.
The Hidden Hazardous Materials in E-Waste
E-waste in the form of old phones, television, computers and other unused or discarded items contain really hazardous materials like lead, mercury and cadmium. Some states have already passed landfill bans on e-waste, but that hasn’t slowed the number of items being dumped in landfills around the world.
Global Lead Exposure
Properly removing e-waste is a global justice issue as well. Children in developing countries like Ghana or China (key sites for dumping e-waste) have significantly higher exposures to lead than children born in the United States do. Some reports indicate that as much as 80% of all e-waste generated in the United States makes its way to a developing country.
What Can You Do Now?
Taking the time to figure out if your device is still usable could mean a world of difference – literally. Can you donate your old device to a good cause? Scrubbing your personal information from an electronic device could make a difference to a less fortunate family –and to your community.
Electronic Recycling Center in San Diego
Working with a reputable recycling company that follows EPA guidelines can also make a tremendous amount of difference. Sometimes we throw things away simply because we are not entirely sure how to manage the data problem or properly dispose of an item.
That need not be the case anymore. A proper recycling company can both protect your important data (by scrubbing it) as well as dispose of the item (or recycle it) in the most environmentally safe fashion. Ask for a detailed description of how machines are broken down.
Knowledge is power – knowing the options can literally make a world of difference.