Is Your Company Using Secure Waste Disposal?
The problem presents itself in the news constantly - data breaches. From big names like Sony to smaller healthcare companies that leak patient information accidentally, data breaches are a serious problem, and one that can be solved by the right secure waste disposal company. If you're not currently using a strong provider, though, there are several reasons you should start. Take a look.
1. Prevent Fines
If you leak customer data, you could be subject to heavy fines and penalties. Think that can't happen to you? In September of 2015, Cancer Care Group, PC, a doctor's office, ended up paying a $750,000 fine to the U.S. government because of unsecured electronic protected health information. Customers sue companies routinely for data leaks, and yours could be next.
2. Ensure Compliance
Many verticals have strict laws with regard to how customer data must be handled. The healthcare industry has some of the most prominent compliance regulations, but they're not alone. The banking and loan industry has fairly strict compliance regulations, as do many other sectors of the economy. If you want to help protect your company and ensure it remains compliant with the regulations which govern your industry, often secure waste disposal is one of the best ways to do that.
3. Protect Your Customers
Even if your industry doesn't require you to protect customer data, why wouldn't you want to do that? You want customers to trust you with every single purchase, and secure waste disposal is one way to help them trust you just a little bit more. It could even become a talking point for your company!
Secure Waste Disposal Services
Ready to get started? Give SES a call today. A leader in secure waste disposal services for companies of all sizes, we'll help you prevent fines, ensure compliance, and protect your customers from day 1.