Recycling Fundraisers Are The New Fad
A new fad in the recycling world has been popping up across the country lately, and all indications point at a huge success, meaning that it's more likely than not here to stay.
This fad, of course, is recycling fundraisers, a great way that any group or organization can raise some cash without selling relatively useless items or raffle tickets! At the same time, recycling has a largely positive effect on multiple aspects of the environment and the local economy.
Old CRT TVs Might Have Great Recycling Use
Remember those old, heavy CRT televisions? It seems like ages ago, but believe it or not, they were once standard fixtures of virtually every home and office across America! As technology has moved towards lighter, slimmer, higher-quality options, many of the nearly 1 billion CRT TVs sold since 1980 (the first time the statistic was counted) have been thrown away and recycled.
New E-Waste Security Bill Coming - Are You Ready?
The dangers of e-waste have been well publicized, and they seem to be growing all of the time. Not only can people access data from improperly secured and destroyed e-waste, but they can also use the parts to counterfeit electronics, which will eventually end up back in the hands of U.S. consumers, businesses, and maybe even the military. The problem? That can threaten both reliability and safety. Fortunately, the U.S. House is working to do something about it.
Read more: New E-Waste Security Bill Coming - Are You Ready?
Hard Drive Shredding: The Key to Your Privacy
It is never a bad idea to have a hard drive shredded. Some people are under the misconception that hard drive shredding is only needed for things like government computers with top-secret information or someone with a lot to hide. The reality, though, is that your hard drive probably stores a lot more than you are aware of, especially in temporary files that you did not actually create. It’s quite possible for some people to have the illusion that it is safe to simply dispose of a hard drive.
What Is A Computer Recycling Center?
If you are looking into recycling your old electronics or electronics parts, you may see a variety of terminology online. One that pops up on a regular basis is "Computer Recycling Center." This is a vital part of electronics recycling. Understanding these facilities and how they work can make sure that your next trip to the recycling center goes as smoothly as possible.
Electronic Recycling: An Overview
If you own a company or simply own a large amount of electronic equipment, chances are that there will come a time when you do not need certain electronics. If you’re like most people, there is a high chance that the hard drives on these devices contain sensitive data. Additionally, so many things go into modern electronic devices that could easily be recycled. Electronic recycling can help you easily dispose of unwanted or unneeded electronics.